Well, I can't believe November is over and we are coming up on Christmas! Things have been crazy around our house! At least one of us has been sick since before Thanksgiving! It all started when Adam got pink eye and it hasn’t really stopped since. Poor Wheaton has had the worst of it. He has had the worst cough for weeks. After several trips to the doctor's office and one trip to the ER in the middle of the night, he was diagnosed with Bronchiatitis (basically baby bronchitis). We have been using the nebulizer every few hours and he seems to be feeling better, but overnight is still really rough. He has been waking up on average about 7 times per night. We are all exhausted. Needless to say, blogging has been on the back burner with many of my other usual pleasures like sleeping and brushing my hair. The worst of it has been feeling so helpless. It's so hard to know what is wrong, what to do, when to call the doctor. I just want him to feel better.
Aside from our various minor illnesses, things have been going along pretty well. As you can see from the photo above,
Well, Novenmber was a busy month so lets get started.
We had many visitors that week including Wheatons Grammy! We had so much fun on her visit. Sadly, we didn't get many pictures, but there she is above enjoying the show.
Highlights fromThanksgiving:
We spent Thanksgiving at Mimi and Papa's new place in Deltaville
Wheaton spent a lot of time snuggling with family:Here he is with Mimi
and Auntie Brooke
and Grampy
and Papa.
Wheaton had his first play date with Sawyer! So cute!