Hello Everyone!
This weekend Adam and I took a really cool class at the
Yoga Source in Carytown. My mom gave Adam a gift certificate for the workshop for his birthday. The class was called
Conscious Birthing: A Workshop for Couples. At first we weren't sure what to expect. I mean, I didn't really think being unconscious through the process was really an option. Then we began to joke that perhaps the title of the workshop was referring to husbands to be who may have a propensity to pass out when under extreme direst (Adam has a history of mysterious fainting spells). The description of the class is as follows:

"Learn to approach labor as a joyous, empowering rite of passage. This half-day workshop offers pregnant couples an opportunity to deepen their relationships though yoga, mindfulness practice, and focused inquiry. Share questions and concerns, learn poses to strengthen, open, and relax both of you, and practice effective pain-coping techniques. Partners will learn comfort measures to support pregnant and laboring women. Snacks provided".
They had me at "snacks provided". But seriously, it was a really beautiful experience. We started off with some basic yoga exercises to help everyone relax. It was Adam's first experience with yoga (aside from tiptoeing through the living room when I am doing a yoga video). I was very impressed! He performed the poses with the grace and agility of an experienced yogi (his favorite poses were the "rolling cat" and "child's pose"). After the warm up we learned some wonderful poses to do together. The poses can be done anytime throughout pregnancy to help with the inevitable aches and pains as well as during the contractions of labor to help ease the pain, open the hips, and promote relaxation. My favorite thing about these poses is that they give dads-to-be/partners specific tools which allow them to really take an active role in supporting (literally in most poses) moms-to-be. I can only imaging how helpless it would be to see your partner in so much pain and have no idea how to help them. The techniques also involve being physically close to your partner (one pose begins with slow dancing) which I am sure only facilitates the bonding experienced in childbirth.
After the poses, the fathers learned some amazing massage techniques. Then we had snacks (finally) and watched a terrifying video of which portrayed the various stages of labor and childbirth.
It was really a wonderful bonding experience (thanks, Mom). The instructors were amazing and brought years of birthing experience into the classroom. Yoga Source also offers a variety of other prenatal and postnatal classes which I can't wait to try out. As for Adam, I think he is excited to practice what we learned, but has no plans to watch anymore birthing videos anytime soon!