Well, here we are at 31 weeks! I CANNOT believe that I have two months to go. I am starting to loose faith in babycenter.com, because according to them this baby now weighs approximately 3.3 pounds and I am certain the he weighs
at least 6 pounds already! I am really starting to have more difficulty moving around. The other day, I was in the passenger seat of Adam's truck and I reached down to grab my water bottle out of the cup holder, and I literally could not reach it! At least my butt doesn't look so huge when you compare it to my belly! Even the doctor said, "He really feels big" when she felt my belly! YIKES! I have definitely been experiencing more physical discomfort over the past couple of weeks. I pulled a muscle in my inner thigh like four months ago (apparently there is a hormone released during pregnancy which relaxes all your muscles and tendons so that the can stretch as your hips widen ect. This means when you do pull a muscle it may not heal at all while you are preggers). This has been the case for me for sure and all this extra weight now seems to be making it worse.To make matters worse, when I stand up from my desk at work I get a shooting pain in my tail bone from sitting on it for so long. Between that and my pulled muscle I have to lumber half way down the hall before everything "adjusts" and I can resume a somewhat normal gate (or waddle).
Anyway, things have been really crazy around here lately (which is why my posts have gotten

less frequent). Adam and I have been keeping so busy with various obligations. We have had weddings, showers, graduation celebrations, and multiple family birthdays to attend. Not to mention our two new favorite holidays, Mother's Day and Father's Day (Adam sent me flowers at

work the day before mother's day...so sweet). Every spare minute is spent either working, attending our classes, or doing things around the house to get things ready (We picked out a rug one Sunday in between two Father's Day celebrations!). I am exhausted. We still have a ton of boxes to go through and things get rid of or put in the attic. The girls are doing their best to pitch in, but they are very easily distracted. Most of the time it' s just easier to do things myself! The nursery is really coming along. We now have the crib and the rug in place and it is really starting to feel cozy! I will try to post again this week. I always have a fun time doing it, but some nights I just can't bare to come home and
sit in front of another computer. Maybe I need a special pillow for my bum now too! I am a mess, but lovin every minute of it!