Well, my weekdays of staying in my pajamas and taking long walks in search of the perfect acorn are over. I went back to work this week. As hard as it was, I am relieved that the transition went as smoothly as it did. I took Wheaton to day care for a few hours a day the week before to help us both get acclimated. And it was a good thing I did because I was a mess! I pretty much cried all day the first day, but each day got a little easier. It certainly helped that Wheaton seemed to really enjoy being there. I think he was getting bored staying home with me! We really like Chesterbrook Academy so far. His teachers are great and he loves to look at the other babie

s and at all the bright decorations in the room. Adam and I are taking turns taking him in. Unfortunately, it is pretty far from my office so I have to get up super early on the mornings I take him. I was relieved that he adjusted so well; it made my transition back to work a million times easier. Here are some pictures of his first full day of "school" and my first day back at work. He looks like such a big boy with his shoes on! I addition to preparing for the transition going back to work, we have been keeping very busy with all sorts of "baby business". Here are some of the things we have been up to:

Wheaton and I have continued our yoga practice. Last class he only cried for the last ten minutes or so. He's still working on the whole zen thing.

We have established a bedtime routine which includes a bubble bath

Wheaton loves his bath time!

We are still trying to figure out the whole sleeping thing. I always said I would never have the baby in bed with us, but our nights would go something like this. I would put Wheaton down in his crib and he would sleep until his next feeding time. I would feed and change him and then put him back in his crib. The next three hours before his next feeding consisted of me getting up and down to try to soothe him or replace the pacifier. I started just laying on the floor so that I wouldn't wake up Adam a million times getting in and out of bed. He had gone back to work at this point and I was trying to let him get as much sleep as possible. Wheaton really did not like sleeping on his back or being swaddled. We had to buy a special swaddling blanket with Velcro to keep him in. I understand that his startle reflex would just continue to wake him up if we didn't swaddle him, but he really didn't like it and I felt so guilty. Anyway, at three months he is starting to have more control and less of the startle reflex, but he still does not like sleeping on his back. He can be fast asleep in his swing or in my arm and his eyes will pop open the moment I set him in the crib. I am not ready to let him cry anything out, so for now this is our sleeping arrangement:

I am sure we have some long nights ahead of us when it comes time to get him back into his crib and he has to learn to fall asleep on his own, but for now we are all sleeping much better like this. Especially since I am not with him during the day anymore, I want to spend as much time bonding with him as I can. I have read about many different theories on babies and sleep, but I think when it comes down to it, each family has to make a decision on what works for them. And eventually they do learn to sleep without us. I promise we will not have a ten year old in bed with us every night.
The window valances and crib skirt came in. It really pulls everything together in the nursery:

Here are some more pictures just for fun:

Adam has been splitting time between helping out with Wheaton and trying to finish his work for the upcoming show he is curating at Gallery 5. He requested that no photos be posted as he looks like he has been burning the candle at both ends. Although we are both thrilled about the show and can't wait for the opening on the first Friday of November, we will all be glad when he can just hang and have fun. Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather. It's a beautiful time of year! Wheaton is struggling over his decision on what to be for Halloween. Any suggestions out here?