Well, I can't believe November is over and we are coming up on Christmas! Things have been crazy around our house! At least one of us has been sick since before Thanksgiving! It all started when Adam got pink eye and it hasn’t really stopped since. Poor Wheaton has had the worst of it. He has had the worst cough for weeks. After several trips to the doctor's office and one trip to the ER in the middle of the night, he was diagnosed with Bronchiatitis (basically baby bronchitis). We have been using the nebulizer every few hours and he seems to be feeling better, but overnight is still really rough. He has been waking up on average about 7 times per night. We are all exhausted. Needless to say, blogging has been on the back burner with many of my other usual pleasures like sleeping and brushing my hair. The worst of it has been feeling so helpless. It's so hard to know what is wrong, what to do, when to call the doctor. I just want him to feel better.
Aside from our various minor illnesses, things have been going along pretty well. As you can see from the photo above, Wheaton has been smiling despite his awful cough. His teachers adore him and have said he is becoming quite the little flirt! He rolled over from his belly to back and is so close to rolling from back to belly! He seems quite pleased with himself. He is not sleeping through the night, but that issue deserves it’s very own post so I won’t even do there right now. Plus, his cough has really complicated the whole sleeping thing. He is now 13 pounds and 12 ounces and 24 inches long. He is such a big boy!
Well, Novenmber was a busy month so lets get started.
The month started out with a bang. Adam's show at Gallery 5 was great. So many people came out for the show!We were all pretty beat when it was finally over! Poor Adam got pink eye!
We had many visitors that week including Wheatons Grammy! We had so much fun on her visit. Sadly, we didn't get many pictures, but there she is above enjoying the show.
Highlights fromThanksgiving:
We spent Thanksgiving at Mimi and Papa's new place in Deltaville Wheaton spent a lot of time snuggling with family:Here he is with Mimi
and Auntie Brooke
and Grampy
and Papa.
Wheaton had a blast with his cousins Graham and Reid.
We enjoyed taking nature walks.
and being with family.
Wheaton loved Delaville!He found it very relaxing.
Other things that happened in November:
Wheaton got his first winter coat.
Wheaton is getting closer to being able to sit up.
Wheaton and I finally got to meet Kiki and Sawyer. Kirsten is a fellow new mom and blogger. Despite the fact that our mom's went to high school together and we feel like we have known each other for years, this is the first time we actually met in person!
Wheaton had his first play date with Sawyer! So cute!
December promises much more fun. My new plan is to post monthly on my blog. Hopefully I can handle that! Thanks for checking in! Love, Blair
Hello everyone! I had the pleasure of viewing an awesome pregnancy blog recently and decided it would be a wonderful way to keep in touch with all of our out of town family and friends throughout the pregnancy. It is so hard being far away from family and friends, especially during such an exciting time. We have family and friends in Colorado, Florida, Canada, Bethesda, Georgia, North Carolina, Northern Virginia, New York, Scotland, California, Connecticut, Alaska, Michigan, and Arizona. Sadly, we may not see many of them until after the baby arrives. I don't mean to exclude any in town family and friends of course! We hope you all will enjoy our little site.
This is my first attempt at "blogging" so please be patient. I plan to try and post at least once a week and include a picture of my growing belly. So I hope you all will feel free to post comments or ask questions. To those of you who may be less fascinated by all things baby, please do not feel obligated to respond to, or even read this blog. Believe me, I know what it is like to look at someone else's ultrasound and be like, "Wow, that's amazing" as I try to figure out which end is up. All disclaimers aside, I hope you all enjoy our site. I have sure had fun with it so far.
Rainbow Sprinkles
I am sure many of you are wondering where we got the title for our blog. Well, everyone has heard the stereotypes about pregnancy and food cravings. Whether it is pickles and ice cream or chocolate and french fries (which doesn't sound half bad right now actually). Well, this phenomenon occurred very early in my pregnancy and even though I have heard about it for years, I was shocked by it's magnitude. As many of you know, I am a very picky eater and usually sustain myself on items from a relativity limited list of vegetarian foods. Well, this all changed sometime in late December. I could no longer bare the thought of hummus and pita, cottage cheese on my salad, or cereal with soy milk. All of the sudden I wanted burritos, mashed potatoes and peas, and grits! I was utterly confused and disoriented. Adam, on the other hand, was thrilled to have a more adventurous dining companion.
Anyway, one of my cravings has been for vanilla frozen yogurt (soft serve only) with rainbow sprinkles. Now, one would not think this would be a difficult combination to come by; however despite days of searching I learned that there is only one frozen yogurt shop left in Richmond, Va. and it it is a less than convenient location (especially when you are dealing with late night cravings). The only logical solution seemed to be to purchase a soft serve ice cream maker on-line. After the machine arrived in the mail, I realized that finding the rainbow sprinkles may be just as big a challenge. All of the rainbow sprinkles I found (at Ukrop's, Kroger, and any other grocery store I passed) also had chocolate sprinkles mixed in (which is just wrong if you asked me).
The ice cream maker turned out to be a real pain (imagine that), and I am planning to send it back. I will just buy frozen yogurt at the store, but until the craving passes, the quest for rainbow sprinkles continues!