Hello everyone-
Here we are at 19 weeks! (I am looking a little haggard in this photo, but I made Adam take it three times and this was the best we could do; It's been a long weekend.) I can't believe how much my body has changed. I was doing some spring cleaning this weekend and had to get into some pretty unusual positions because I can't quite bend over like I used to. And the other day I had to get Adam to buckle my shoes! I can only imagine what I will feel like in August!
According to
http://www.babycenter.com/, the baby is around the size of a large heirloom tomato this week and weighs about 8 and 1/2 ounces! So cute! I think I have hit a couple of milestones since my 17 week post.
Fist of all, I have felt the baby kicking!!! It is a very subtle feeling which I can usually only feel when I am sitting very still. It feels like little muscle twitches on the inside of my belly. It is very cool! I have also had more people start to ask me if I am preggers, which makes me very happy. I am glad I actually look pregnant now instead of looking like I am "just filling out" as one person put it! I am also glad to say that I am finally starting to get some energy back which is nice because I am ready to get some things done! I will feel sorry for poor Adam when I really get into the "nesting" phase of my pregnancy! I am sure I will be a nightmare since I am a little anal to begin with (as most of you well know!).
I have to give a shout out to Kimmy who brought me some rainbow sprinkles today. I can't believe you found them! Thank you!
Hope everyone has a great week. I am keeping my fingers crossed for some warm weather. We almost hit the 80's here in Richmond last week, but we had sleet and hail today, so who knows!
Bye for now!
-Blair and Baby C.
1 comment:
I am so excited for you guys!
The pictures are great, i haven't seen you pregnant with the belly
pokin out yet, very cute. Adam is
glowing. He's been telling me about
how the doctor compares the size of the baby to vegatables, which i think is hilarious.
love yalls
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