Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How my life has changed.........

I thought I would give you all a sample of how very much my life has already changed. One amusing example is my nightly routine. I used to simply put on pj's, wash my face, maybe put on some moisturizer, brush my teeth, and I was good to go. A once simple routine has become a tiresome ordeal which usually results in my falling into bed utterly exhausted. Sometimes, I have to take a nap before even starting the routine. Here's how it plays out:

After my most recent meal has has several hours to make it through my digestive system (I have to stay vertical for several hours to avoid acid reflux), I am able to start getting ready for bed.

1) First, I usually take a warm shower or bath to soak my achy muscles and bones. I am always amazed at how I can be so sore after just sitting at my desk all day.

2) Next, I have to slather anti-stretch mark cream over all the areas of my body that I can still reach (which are become fewer by the day).

3) After that I brush my teeth, being ever mindful of my still heightened gag reflexes and super sensitive gums.

4) Next, I clear my nasal passages with a few flushing sprays of Saline Solution. I never knew that increased congestion and bloody noses were a symptom of pregnancy.

5) Now it is time for one of my favorites. I apply the self-adhesive Breath Right strip to my nose to combat my earthshaking snoring and try to give Adam some peace.

6) As if I am not already feeling sexy enough by this point, next come the task of PJ's. After leaving ample time for my stretch mark cream to dry, I now pull on my only pajama bottoms that still fit. They are these little cropped white pj pant which used to be really cute. Now, I feel like one of those cartoon men with a huge belly whose pants are too short.

7) Finally, I fall into bed and arrange all of my special pillows. One to help with the snoring and sleep apnea I have developed and a second which is sort of shaped like a giant narrow C. You can wrap your legs around it and support your belly. It really has helped with the pain in my hips.

Truthfully, this is an ideal scenario. There are probably more nights when I just roll into bed with my clothes still on. I swear, if you didn't know I was pregnant, you would think I was a 90 year old man! At least I Preparation H is not a part of my regimen (yet anyway)!

Even with all of these interesting (and sometimes uncomfortable) changes, I am so amazed at what my body is doing right now and I feel blessed to have the honor of experiencing it!

And thankfully, Pussca has finally found a comfortable position among the piles of specialized pillows. My belly doesn't look very big in this picture, but she is resting her chin on the top and has her paw wrapped around the side. So cute! I wonder if she knows what's up or if she just thinks I am getting fat. I know I should be sleeping on my left side, but somehow I always wake up on my back covered in cats! Go figure!


margaret said...

Blair: I am really enjoying your blog! You and Adam are the cutest couple and your little boy will be precious for sure!! I am very excited to meet him! keep writing!! all the effort now will seem worth it when you hold the little guy in your arms!! margaret st.clair

Kirsten Oliphant said...

Hey Blair, it's Kirsten (St. Clair) Oliphant. My mom sent me your blog and I just read the whole thing. So fun!! I'm reading with my new little one perched in my lap--get ready because it's awesome!! I also feel a comraderie about the sprinkles thing, though mine is an all the time craving. I'll let you know if I find a good brand! :)