Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Well, we had a pretty fun Halloween. Wheaton and I dressed up one day before Adam got home from work to surprise him. Wheaton was my little black cat and I was his witch.

We carved pumpkins (and when I say "we" I mean Adam) the night before Halloween. Of course I suggested cat Jack-O-Lanterns as usual. They turned out really well and we got lots of compliments.
The house looked very spooky!
Wheaton wore his scary black cat onsie to day care o Halloween day........

....and dressed up like a baby duck to help hand out candy on Halloween night.

He would like to thank Dixon Mescall for lending him such a cute costume.

I think Wheaton enjoyed his first Halloween!


margaret said...

Blair! Wheaton is just the cutest baby ever(well, besides Sawyer in case Kirsten reads this!) but he is just soo cute- love the duck costume and he is just so adorable in his black cat t-shirt!!! with those Vans! adorable! your house looks great- pumpkins are just too artistic which is Adams forte for sure! thanks for putting up new pictures! love to see them! (:

Shannon said...

That is the cutest duck I've ever seen! Where did Dixon's mom find it? Adam's pumpkins came out so great!