Well, I finally decided to combine February and March in the hopes that I can "catch up" with my postings. We'll see if it works! The past couple of months have been full of "firsts" for Wheaton. He has been very busy. As you can see from the pictures, he has mastered sitting up! It has opened a whole new world of things to explore. Interestingly, he still hates being on his stomach and shows little to no interest in crawling. His legs are very strong and loves to stand with the assistance of one of us. He has not really started pulling up on things yet, but if you help him get into position, he will stand while holding on to the coffee table (that was new as of this morning). Here is what else we have been up to over the past couple of months:
He had his very first guitar lesson from Daddy!

He discovered something even more hilarious than the coat rack..........
............. Sashi.........
.............and Pussca!!!!!!
He smiles and laughs every time they come in the room!

Another amazing event that occured in early March........
We actually got snow in Richmond!
And Enjoyed a snow day!
I think Wheaton had mixed feelings about the snow.
His eyes are still blue which is really funny because Adam and I both have brown eyes. 
Wheaton is now spending most nights in his crib, which is progress. Unfortunately he is still not sleeping through the night.

Wheaton now has two teeth on the bottom and I think he is working on two up top.
He has added several new foods to his repitoire of menu options including:
Oatmeal cereal, avocado, carrots, peaches, pears, green beans, and gerber puffs

He is also able to feed himself the Gerber puffs and put his pacifier in his mouth on his own.....a great skill!

Here are a couple of my other favorite photos from the past two months:

I will do my best to get my April post up in a timely manner, but I can't make any promises. Babies sure are time consuming!
hi Blair!! Wheaton is just adorbale!! love him!! want to see him soon! keep putting up these cute pics!! he is just too cute!!!! margaret st.clair
I'm glad I just checked in to see how things are going! Wheaton's looking so big and old! I love seeing him sit up. Those pictures of you two are gorgeous!!
The fam is looking good! I can't believe how big Mr. Wheaton is getting. Can't wait to witness it all in person. Hugs!
I love these pics. He is so cute. I especially love the one where Wheaton is sitting on the floor watching Adam play guitar. Priceless!
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