We have had many visitors and phone calls. Between that, hospital business, and trying to use the breast pump every two hours this is literally the first chance I have had to post some pictures of our little guy. I plan to share some about the labor in a different post, as I am just too exhausted right now. For now I will just focus on the really fun stuff: PICTURES:
I will try to post again soon, but now I am going to try and get some sleep before another feeding. I will just say that the staff here has been amazing and we are doing really well. I had an awesome nurse during labor. I did not need a c-section and was able to deliver naturally with the help of the best birth partner in the world, my wonderful husband, Adam. He was amazing. I could not have gotten through it without him. I look forward to sharing more about the birth later when I am feeling more coherent. Thank you all for your support!
Blair and Wheaton Caldwell
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So glad the little man is here and safe! Can't wait to see him in person.
He is ADORABLE! Look at those curls... oh my gosh! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm sending lots of good thoughts for a speedy recovery for you both. Keep the pictures coming! Hope you're feeling better soon! :)
Dear Blair and Adam: Wheaton is absolutely beautiful and I am so happy for you and your entire family. He looks so healthy and I am sure he will come home soon.
Try and get some rest although it is hard. I can't wait to meet him!! Congratulations!!
love Margaret St.Clair
I'm so happy for you guys! Wheaton is beautiful! And it sounds like things are going so well, from the birth to nursing. Sawyer didn't even latch on until we got him out of the NICU and home, so be super encouraged about that! Can't wait to hear more and see more pictures.
I'm totally tearing up here in my office, hope the boss doesn't walk in. I am so excited for you, Adam and Wheaton! He is adorable. I can't wait to hear more.
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