Well, we have been home for about a week and a half now. I am sorry I have not posted an update in a while, but I just can't seem to tear myself away from my little guy! He is napping quietly at the moment, so I thought I would take the opportunity to update everyone on our first few days home. I

t was quite a homecoming! My mom had balloons out front and she even planted some Small Leaf Dixie Pixie Ivy in my much neglected window box in honor of our little wood nymph! The cats were anxiously awaiting our arrival. I was so relieved when they responded well. It was like
Pussca, my Siamese, knew exactly what was going on. I

had been worried that she would run and hide and be jealous of the baby, but instead she has taken on a protective role. It is like she knew all along that we were getting a new member of the family.

Adam's dad and Karna had gone to Babies-R-Us and stocked us up on the essentials (diapers, wipes, the most adorable little preemie
onesies ect). Since then we have just been settling into our little routine. So far, little
Wheaton has been sleeping and eating really well. He had his first bath a few days ago and seemed to actually enjoy himself.

Aside from sleeping, changing diapers, occasional tummy time, and breastfeeding, we have just been trying to
e with him as much as possible! Although he seems to have his days and nights confused, he is still adorable when he wants to party all night. We have had friends and family bringing by food, which has been wonderful. Trying to decide what to do for dinner has been a big challenge. It seems to take a bit too much brain power than what

we currently have on reserve. My godparents brought over and amazing spread on Sunday night night which included this beautiful dessert that was almost too beautiful too eat, but we managed. My mom has also provided several meals which we are still chowing down on. I guess my post-baby diet will have to wait until Adam and I are back to fending for ourselves for meals. We have been so spoiled, I don't know what we will do! Overall the transition home has been very smooth. I am loving hanging out all day with my little man. There are still many times where the whole thing just seems surreal. During the lucid moments in between my sleep deprived states of consciousness, I just think how amazing this is and I feel so very blessed.
Despite all of the chaos leading up to our return home, Mr.
Wheaton appears to be feeling very comfortable already!

I LOVE this last picture when Weaton is resting with his elbows out to the side. He is so cute!! I'm glad to hear you are settled in and have so much family support. We wish we were there to help out! Miss you!
Jenni and Jon
Blair: I just returned from Texas and miss SAwyer so much but just went on your blog and am sitting here weepy with joy at your beautirul new boy! He is your new "boy toy" ha ha sorry Adam! when I was babysitting for Sawyer, I would change his clothes just so I could take cute pics of him in all the adorable outfits people had so generously given him!!
I felt like he was my new babydoll!! reminded me of playing dolls as a child!!!
I would love to come over one afternoon and keep him for you(as long as he doesn't cry... ha ha ) so you could go to the store or Starbucks or just get out of the house for a few hours- He is just soo beautiful and I can't wait to meet him in person. love Margaret
He is so cute! I would love to come and visit sometime and bring some grub! Shoot me an e-mail ajgerczak@gmail.com and let me know when you guys feel up for company!
Congratulations on your sweet new baby boy!! Kate sent me your blog address- so fun to see you and your family!
-Varna (Kate's old neighbor!)
hi Blair! can't wait for more updated pictures of little Wheaton! will come see you soon! love Margaret St. Clair
We need an update!!!
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