Hello everyone!

I am so sorry I have been such a lame blogger recently! Adam and I have been busy getting to know our little guy and adjusting to parenting a newborn. I usually have only a couple of free hours a day when Wheaton is sleeping and it is really hard to fit everything in, especially when you include all of the baby related tasks like breast pumping and 800 loads of laundry per day (I still don't understand how such a tiny creature can generate so much dirty laundry!). I am lucky if I can put together a complete thought, much less a sentence! I have only just begun to write my thank-you notes! Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I am loving every minute of it, but when I have to choose between taking a shower and getting on the computer, a few minutes to wash up wins every time. My plan is to try to continue the blog doing one post a week on Sundays. So let's get everyone caught up!
Over the past few weeks, Wheaton has gained several pounds and is up to 8 pounds as of last week! Look at that belly!

He is a very good eater and has taken well to breastfeeding. He usually eats every two and a half to three hours. This usually works out to about three to four time a night, which is not so bad as long as he goes right back to sleep afterward (which is not always the case). During the first few weeks home it became clear that he had his days and nights confused and he just wanted to party all night.

He has begun to settle down in the wee hours, but still has nights when he just wants to hang out or snuggle. He started out sleeping in the co-sleeper every night, but he makes a lot of noise in his sleep so there were many nights when he and I ended up sleeping on the sofa so that Adam could get a few hours of sleep before work.

Since then, Wheaton has begun to sleep in his crib in the nursery (unless we take a nap in the bedroom during the day), and Pussca has pretty much adopted the co-sleeper as her favorite sleeping spot. Wheaton seems to like his crib, b

ut by morning, he is usually really to come into our bed for some snuggling. The photo to the left was taken one of the first nights he slept in the nursery. He was checking out his new bunk mates, the two Baxter Bunnies.
Right now some of Wheaton's favorite things include:
His cool swing set with birds and nature sounds (courtesy of his Uncle Aaron and Auntie Brooke)

Wearing his awesome new shoes (Vans, just like his daddy's) Thanks, Annie!

Chillin' at the pool

Being super cute......
.....and snuggling with his family!

Well, that should get everyone up to speed for now. I will post some photos of the nursery and from my wonderful shower soon. Thank you all for checking in! I will do my best to do a post every Sunday. We'll see how it goes!
He is soo precious! really enjoyed all the pictures soo much.
call me if I can babysit one afternoon so you can go to the store or to Starbucks!! Margaret
He is ADORABLE! Love the Vans- he has such great style for being just a few weeks old! Impressive!
Hang in there Blair-o! I had such a hard time getting use to come of the adjuestments.. I couldn't fathom how I could get it all done, especially when I came back to work. And, well, although I never figured out a way to get it all done, I did figure out how to throw my hands in the air and say, "ah, the-hell-with-it". As long as everyone is fed, clean and happy, I don't care what my house looks like, what I look like, or all the "perfect parent" "perfect spouse" things I'd love to be doing (i.e. making dinner every night, cleaning the house each week, etc.) This is, actually, directly related to how, at first, I would apologize to guests for the state of the house when they'd come to visit, which soon turned into just a general explanation of "as you can see, I have an infant" [obvious by the diapers, toys, burb clothes all over the house and the spit up on my shirt], which has now evolved into not even acknowledging it because it's the norm.. LOL! .. I don't know if you're running into the same things, but I know it's hard. Hang in there! And yes, get those showers when you can! Time becomes so precious, eh?
Seems like you are enjoying it all! You look fantastic! Wheaton is just adorable. Everyone seems very happy!
Happy Belated Birthday!
:), Mary
Wonderful update and photos! You all look very happy. I love the pic of Wheaton wearing the vans and stretching. Can't wait for more photos! xo Kate
I love all the pictures--you look GREAT by the way! So cute!
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