Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 23, 2008

Florida Trip

Well, it was a whirlwind, but we had a blast! We only wish we could have stayed for longer! We left Richmond on Thursday evening straight from work and returned on Monday evening around 9:00pm. Here are some pictures from our adventures:
Comparing bellies! I think I win!
I have to give Delaney a shout out for providing me with such cute maternity swim wear. It definitely made shedding my clothes a lot easier! Thanks, D!

Yes, I did brave a bikini! The feeling was an odd combination of terror and empowerment. I mean, I am very proud of my baby belly; it's just the other expanding body parts that really freak me out. Well, I had to go all the way to Florida, but I finally found my vanilla frozen yogurt with rainbow sprinkles! It was very satisfying!

We had a wonderful time catching up with Don and meeting all of his friends! Adam enjoyed building his sand sculptures as usual. I think he is really looking forward to having a little playmate.....I mean assistant.
We even bought "Baby C" his first pair of shoes! Those of you who made it to the wedding my recognize the brand and style!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

25 weeks!

Wow! Here we are at 25 weeks! Crazy. My body is totally out of control! Baby C is kicking up a storm. According to he measures about 13 1/2 inches and weighs about a pound and a half (about the same as an average rutabaga). As you can see from the picture on the left we have made a change of venue for our photo shoot this week. We have been painting the nursery (and when I say "we" I mean Adam and my dad), so there is a ton of furniture where I usually stand. Anyway, I thought it would provide a fun sneak peak of the nursery. As you can see we have chosen a very pale blue and tan. It has been really fun looking for nursery decorations. We are hoping to utilize Adam's artistic abilities and paint some animals on the walls. Sashi (pictured with me to the left) is trying to figure out where her likeness should go. All I know is we better pick the biggest wall we have. Look at her, she's huge! She's almost as big as the pregnant lady!

Adam and I are heading to Destin, Florida tomorrow to visit Don, Adam's dad. We are both really looking forward to having a couple of days in the sun (hopefully) and spending some time with Don. We will return on Monday evening, so I will hopefully post again on Tuesday and share some pictures from our trip. Hope you are all well. I am exhausted and still have to finish packing so I will have to sign off for now. Have a great weekend!

-Blair and Baby C

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hormones- Part I

Hormones are another one of those cliches about pregnant women that we have all heard for many years. I am quickly realizing that this particular cliche has stood the test of time for one very good is so true! Although I have only had a handful of experiences (so far) during which I have felt the full magnitude of pregnancy hormones, I am now truly terrified about what may lay ahead. From what I can remember (as I was severely traumatized by the experience), it is a similar feeling to really extreme PMS. Unlike PMS; however there is no warning, nor is there any indication of how long it might last. Most women can relate to the sort of "out of control" feeling of PMS. It's like, you know that you may be overreacting and you don't want to be feeling this way but you just can't help it. Unfortunately reason is useless in these situations; there is a far stronger force at work. I don't know the origin of this force, but I know it has powers beyond that of anything human. It can make an otherwise sensible woman feel like a raving lunatic, crippled by rage. It can make grown men run for cover and children cry out in terror.
Part I:
My personal reign of terror began in the Comcast headquarters several weeks ago. I went in one evening after a long day's work to exchange our cable box for a DVR. Seems like a simple enough task, right? Well, I arrived at the office and saw two lines. There was no sign indicating that there was any difference between the lines. Just to safe, I asked several other customers if there was any difference in the two lines before choosing one. Everyone just shook their heads or shrugged complacently. So I just picked a line at random, adjusted the equipment I was holding, and attempted to get comfortable for the inevitable wait. To my surprise, my line appeared to be moving slightly faster than the other (which is crazy because I always choose the slow line). Anyway, after about 20 minutes, it was my turn. As I approached the counter holding my cable box, I could tell by the look on the cashier's face that my luck was running out. She simply cocked her head to one side, shook it, and said, "This line is just for paying bills". I took a deep breath and said, "Excuse me?” The woman repeated her previous statement and added, "You will have to get in that line". She pointed to the other line, which had grown exponentially and seemed to be at a standstill. Frantically, I looked for one of the customers I had asked about the lines. I recognized one man, the man I would have been behind if I had gotten in the other line. There were probably 15-20 more people behind him now. No way. I turned back to "Miss Manners" and said, "I'm sorry, but I did not see any signs to indicate there is a difference between the two lines. Is there a sign somewhere that I missed?" She just looked at me (annoyed) and said, "I made an announcement 20 minutes ago". Calmly, I looked at my watch and shook my head, "Well, I have been here for over 20 minutes and I did not hear any announcement". Clearly I was getting on her nerves as she stated, "Well, I made it". At this point I could feel it coming. This woman was going down! "Ma'am", I said "I have do doubt that you made an announcement. My point is that I was not here when made it. Which means anyone that came in after me didn't get the information either. I even asked several people when I came in and none of them were aware of any difference in the lines. Clearly this announcement you speak of was not an effective means of communication in this situation". She simply repeated her mantra about having made an announcement. So I asked to speak with her supervisor. Of course her supervisor was "out". So, I asked to speak with any of her superiors. "We are all equal, but you are welcome to step to the side and wait for my supervisor". I could feel heat rising into my cheeks. "Well, if you are all equal. I am sure you are capable of helping me exchange this equipment", I said. Again she referred to her freaking announcement like I hadn't heard her the first 5 times; like it would somehow finally and magically clear everything up for me. This is where I really lost it. "Your announcement is no good if nobody hears it, lady!” I screamed. Then, as if I was totally removed from my body, I turned to address the growing crowd behind me. "Did any of you hear an announcement about the difference between these two lines?" I yelled. Luckily the crowd was as frustrated as I was and opted to join my plight. "NO!" They yelled realizing, they too may end up standing where I was. One woman panicked, "There's a difference between these two lines?! What's the difference! I've been here a 1/2 an hour! What's going on?!" The woman behind the counter looked around for support from her co-workers who all were suddenly very busy and avoiding eye contact with her. This time it was my turn to just look at her and shake my head. "I'm not moving" I said, "I'll wait right here for your supervisor". I looked at her dead in the eyes like a dog posturing before a fight. I wasn't bluffing either. They would have had to call security to remove the psychotic pregnant lady from the lobby. Luckily, it didn't come to that. She grabbed the cable box from me and switched it out. The whole process took about 30 seconds.
Most of you will know that this is not typical behavior for me. Usually, I flee from confrontation. Although two plus years working in the Forensic Unit at Central State Hospital did plump up my assertiveness, it was nothing compared to the powerful force that is pregnancy hormones.
To hear about my next unfortunate victim, be sure to tune in for the next installment, Hormones- Part II ( I don't want to overwhelm anyone all at once and I would like to have some friends left after pregnancy)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Names, names, names!

Most of you that know Adam and I well, know that we are not the most decisive couple in the world. Needless to say, we have already been struggling over picking a name. We decided not to even think about names until after we found out if we were having a boy or a girl. Now that we know, we are starting to feel the pressure. So, we have decided to open up the blog to suggestions. Please feel free to post your favorite boy names. We like names that are a little different, so feel free to get creative and have fun! We will look forward to any suggestions.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

23 Weeks!

Well, here we are at 23 weeks! I cannot believe I have almost 4 months to go! I don't know how I am going even be able to sit up come August. It's funny (or maybe ironic is a better word) because I used to kind of roll my eyes when I would hear pregnant women complain about their symptoms. I would think, "women have been doing this forever, how difficult could it possibly be?!" Well, it looks like I have my answer..... it's really freaking difficult! Not to mention that the most trying months still lie ahead.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things I love about being pregnant. I have a perfect excuse to pig out, I have boobs now, and best of all I get to be a part of this amazing experience. It is truly incredible the things the human body can do. I just have to laugh at some of the unexpected symptoms of pregnancy (to be chronicled in my upcoming post "How my Life Has Changed". I did pick up a special body pillow yesterday and it really did help me sleep more comfortably last night. Thanks for the recommendation, Mary!

According to the baby is about 11 inches long and weighs over a pound (about as much as a large mango). Apparently he can hear now, so my mom got us this little contraption which has special speakers so that you can play music and talk to your baby. You can also listen to the heart beat and other sounds inside the womb. It's very cool.I hope everyone is doing well. I love getting the e-mails and posts from people following the blog. Thanks to you all for your support! It has really been so much fun!